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THU 2024 "Golden Ticket" Competition Winning Entry: Concept Art, Illustration

Project type

Concept Art, Illustration, Art Competition


August 2024

My entry for THU's 2024 golden ticket competition which won 1st place at the student catagory.
The theme of the competition was "Your Personal Oasis" and asked us to create a safe haven contrary to the real world. As opposed to our world's current state of war, violance and weapon menufacturing, My personal Oasis is a fictional world of peace in which all vehichles of war have been turned into wildlife creatures who co-exist with humans in harmony. Huge war submarines have been turned into majestic Leviathans and fighter jets are now large bird like creatures which are also the main source of newspaper distribution. The piece depicts an early morning harbor scene in which visitors come to observe the great submarine whale which lives by these shores.

For the pieces style I used several inspirations, the main one being Miyazaki's animated flims. I aimed for a cartoony more simplified artstyle in order to convey the imaginative and magical feel of the world as well as used a vibrant pallet to convey a warm and lively atmosphere. When designing the creatures my main goal was to have them still have small resemblance to the war vehichles in which they once were but at the same time still look as if they are natural wild animals inhabiting this world.

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